Barack Obama has recently
detailed planned updates to US
Such Updates include 98% of US to be covred by
4G Wireless.
-February 12, 2011
Next Web World launches the
Latest Web Trends Blog on
This is the launch of our web trend blog.
This blog is intended to try keep our visitors up
to date with web trends as they evolve.
The blog will cover new web
trends, the latest and current web
trends as well as some past web
trends as best we can over time.
Since web trends can emerge or otherwise be
announced, we will attempt to cover the main
Some trends covered in our web trends blog
may also include current and past web trends as
they may still be relevant and/or of some
Current and Latest
Web Trends:
The current and latest web trends may include
trends that are currently in play and can include
concepts that are already widely used.
Latest Web Trends Blog Welcome